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Viewing messages 3906 to 3910.
Len | chrislen@talktalk.net
Hi Dave & all the other boys & girls that read our lovely Guest book happy Easter, by the way Dave Blue Peter was a joke just to find out who would find out who it was have a guess who was the one that knew. Yes it was you so you may go to the top of the class, you have won a free pint at our next Reunion.
By the way how is Pop all is quiet at the moment they say no News is good so Pop get out of that bed & get ready for our next Reunion.
Regards to all our friends their wives & family
6 April 2009 - Colnbrook Slough England

Goldings Library
Name the only word in the English Language that ends in HTH
5 April 2009 - Assembly

Len,fill us in with the story about "Blue Peter"
5 April 2009 - Interested

peter Drummond | send4peter1@ymail.com
Pop I'm sorry to hear that your not well, keep your chin up and get well soon.
Best wishes
Ann & Peter Drummond
3 April 2009 - chatham Kent

paul walkeden
Keep strong Pop, hope everything is alright shall be thinking of you regards Paul Jan and Katie
1 April 2009 - stoke

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