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Len | chrislen@talktalk.net | for gotton it ???
Thank you all for my Birthday wishes you made my Day ,by the way Dave you did know who Blue Peter was thank you all once again see you all at our next Goldings Reunion xx
29 March 2009 - Colnbrook Slough England

brian and ellen | b.perrier@ntlworld.com
have a great birthday len and thanks for all your support and encouragement looking foreward to seeing you and your better half at the reunion
28 March 2009 - sunny stevenage by duck pond

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Yes Len I hope you have a great 78th birthday, we are all catching you up,
and we look forword to seeing you at the next reunion.
28 March 2009 - london

Peter Drummond | send4peter1@ymail.com
Happy Birthday len have a grand day
28 March 2009 - Chatham

Dave and Family
Happy Birthday to Len Harpin 78 years young 28th March. Have a great day Len
27 March 2009

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