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Viewing messages 3926 to 3930.
when im 64
thought for the day
you can tell when you are growing old!
"you no longer sleep with your teeth"
17 March 2009 - short cut with tony

Brian Perrier
Tony am i bovered?
17 March 2009 - 10% off a B.&Q

Dave and Family
Happy Birthday Brian,nice to have you around again.
17 March 2009 - On my way to see the Jersey Boys

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
And a happy birthday to you to Brian
have a graet day
see you soon.
17 March 2009 - LONDON

Alan Sibbons | jsja@telus.net
Hi Dave and Brian,

Looks like you both had birthdays,

Your Goldings Bro
Alan Sibbons

16 March 2009 - Edmonton, Canada

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