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As promised Alan here is the full address of the football ground for the Goldings Cup Final

Stadium Name: Clarence Park
Address: York Road, St Albans,
Hertfordshire, AL1 4PL

Clarence Park is off Hatfield Road near the centre of ST Albans
20 April 2009

bob and roma | coopermccavalier@hotmail.com | cavalierbahamas.com
hi dave and mel well heres our skype number Ravi bhaktha@work when you get your skype nice to catch up with all thats going on at goldings as we are over the sea far from the good old days bob and roma
19 April 2009 - bahamas

Congratulations Alan I only have 2 grandchildren both still at school but the pleasure they give me is unbelievable they are GREAT!!
Congratulations Kim
18 April 2009

Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Isn't life wonderful? Having spent part of Wednesday remembering the Hillsborough disaster and taking part in Nottingham's Two Minutes Silence and hearing the clock in our market square strike 96 times in memory of those who died, I was pleased it was over for another year, not that this event will ever be forgotten.
On returning home I went to the Goldings website and was soon in high spirits again when I saw the great news that Pop was out of hospital and on the mend and feeling 100% better.........Fantastic.
On Friday night I received more good news when I became a "Great Grandfather" At 11.43pm my oldest Grandaughter Kim, gave birth to a 7lb.3oz baby boy, Declan Rhys, in St Mary's hospital, IOW.I don't need to tell you how proud I feel. Yes, life is Wonderful!
18 April 2009 - Nottingham

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Pop your not just a part of the Goldings brotherhood, as a member of staff.. you are now the God father.
see you in October.
16 April 2009 - london

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