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Len | chrislen@talktalk.net
Hi Dave as John said thank you for keeping us informed of Pop. I phoned up the Hospital on Friday they just said he is comfortable & doing ok they won't let you speak to him unless you are a family. All the best Pop .
11 April 2009 - Colnbrook Slough

John Sansom(Sam) | john.sansom@tesco.net
Im so glad to hear Cliff is feeling better, and that the Goldings Web site is keeping us up to date. Best wishes Cliff, and thanks Dave John S
10 April 2009 - Hertford

Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
I have just checked out the site before leaving to spend the easter weekend in France and was so pleased to hear that Pop is feeling better. I will contact you over the weekend dave for Pops number. In the meantime, it would be nice if someone can get a charger into the hospital so Pop and the Goldings lads can keep in touch. There is nothing worse than being in Hospital and unable to keep in Touch with the outside world. Get well soon Pop, we want to see you in October.
9 April 2009 - Nottingham

Pop rang me from hospital and sounded much better and said "Thats the first time I've slept properly for three weeks" He has gave me his mobile phone number for anyone that may want to ring him,but he has forgot his charger.For security reasons I will not put his number it on the site,but if anyone wants it ring me on 01922 615789 or contact the site for it Dave.
P.S. He will look forward to anyone who rings him.
9 April 2009

Pop was admitted to The Sunderland Royal Hospital this morning,
tele. 0191 565 6256, Ward D46, for anyone with enquiries.
I rang this evening and was told he was comfortable,as they won't give details over the phone or to non relatives.
I will ring again tomorrow and keep everyone informed.
8 April 2009

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