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I rang Pop today,very confused and sounds like he is in a lot of pain,and today he is being admitted to a hospital in Sunderland.I will use his words "They think my kidneys are failing! I will try to get up there early next week Dave.
8 April 2009

Len & Chris | chrislen@talktalk.net
Hi John thank you for my Birth day wish that was the last thing on your mind. no one should have to go through what you have experancing at the moment, but no words can explain how sorry I am to hear your sad news.
I think all your brothers that was at Goldings will feel the same for you. all the best John hope you get some better news that your brother in the Hospice is getting better.
best Regards Len & chris
6 April 2009 - Colnbrook Slough England

Len | chrislen@talktalk.net
HI the English Language that ends in HTH IS [EIGHTH ] you have to have brains to be an ex Goldings boy Ha HA .
6 April 2009 - Colnbrook Slough England

professor sammy | I'm so good@home.com
according to the book of words the answer to your question is EIGHTH
6 April 2009 - higher learning

John Horn
hello to all my goldings brothers,
a belated happy birthday to Len.
Sorry to hear that Pop is unwell I wish him a speedy recovery,I only know him from the re-unions but what a nice man he is I only wish he was at goldings in my time there.
sorry I have not been in touch recently I have had family poblems to sort out I lost a younger brother in February and another brother who is seventeen years younger than me is now in a Hospice with lung cancer.
best wishes to all.
john horn
6 April 2009 - Manchester.

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