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Viewing messages 3911 to 3915.
Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
So sorry to hear you are not too well Pop. My thoughts, and those of many Goldings old boys are with you, that I am sure of as you played such a large part in so many of our lives. Get well soon and hope to see you at the next Reunion in October
31 March 2009 - Nottingham

John Sansom(Sam) | john.sansom@tesco.net
So sorry to hear that Cliff Steel isnt very well, I do hope you will soon be better Clff, our thoughts are with you for a complete recovery John S
30 March 2009 - Hertford

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Tommy I hope you can go to see Pop, and give him our regards and wishing he gets well soon, on behalf of all Goldings old boys.
30 March 2009 - LONDON

LenHarpin | chrislen@talktalk.net
Hi Dave thank you for keeping us informed about Pop, he was not in my time but more than glad. I have met him at our Reunion's. It was an honour
for you boys to have had Pop in your time at our lovely home being, Goldings we wish Pop a speedy get well quick.
30 March 2009 - Colnbrook Slough England

Last week Pop E.Mailed me to say he was going into hospital to have a minor operation which would only be for one day,so would not be on the site for a short time and for it to remain private for the moment.I rang him late last week and it turned out the op became four days and everything didn't go well as first thought.I rang him today to see how he was doing and would he mind if I made it general knowledge,reluctantly he agreed because I think we should all be aware if he is not to well and not only me.As we all know "Pop" is a very private person and probably feels that he shouldn't bother us with his problem, but I'm sure we certainly bothered him with our problems all those years ago.I rang Tommy Hill tonight to see if he could pop round to see him,which he will do,but I'm sure he would welcome all our support at the moment,and if anyone is in the area pop in and see him,Consett,County Durham.All the best "Pop" from all of us.
29 March 2009 - Walsall

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