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Back in the land of the living. Cliff Steele
Out of hospital, on the mend and feeling 100% better. Although I need to go back in a few weeks time for a tidying up op. I won't go into too much detail, suffice to say that there was 1.8 litres in my bladder desperately trying to get out and failing. I couldn't believe the amount of phone calls I had and the messages wishing me well on the Guest Book. Each one was greatly appreciated, the icing on the cake was a visit from Brian and Ellen Perrrier who drove up from Stevenage to see me. I could'nt believe it when they walked into the ward but I was so pleased to see them. The only drawback was I was sent to Sunderland, and that for a Newcastle supporter is a foreign country and to make matters worse, the view from my window was straight on to the Stadium of Light where Sunderland try to play. However, I was well looked after. So many thanks once again, I really am lucky to be part of the Goldings family.
14 April 2009

Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
I'm sure those of you who are football fans(and many who are not) will know that April 15th marks the 20th anniversary of one of the games worst ever disasters when 97 liverpool supporters lost their lives at Hilsborough during the FA Cup semi final between Nottingham Forest and Liverpool. This event will never be forgotten by thousands of Football supporters all over the world. The memories of that sad day will remain with me for ever as I was one who witnessed this event first hand. Could I please ask you to hold one minutes silence at 3.06pm in memory of those who lost there lives and remember the hundreds of famillie and friends who were also affected by thise tragic event. Thank you all for your support.
14 April 2009 - Nottingham

P.S. Pop,it's just a thought perhaps if you booked Newcastle Football Team into Sunderland Royal they may help them like they did for you?
12 April 2009 - Stadium of vanishing Light

Many thanks Len,Brian and Helen made a flying visit to see him at Sunderland
(The dependable Perriers once again)unannounced,I would have given all my bacca away to see his face of shock! Brian told me of all his woes,and that he should be out today of which I am sure Pop will fill in the details when he comes onto the guest book,but otherwise another successful Goldings outcome.
12 April 2009

Len Harpin | chrislen@talktalk.net
Hi. Dave hope you got my e/mail ok Computer been playing up again. Phoned Pop up on Saturday he sounded great like his old self again, but the great news is he is going Home today.
12 April 2009 - Colnbrook Slough

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