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Peter | send4peter1@ymail.com
Bobbymac I'm on skype Name is peter.Drummond6 chatham
16 August 2008 - chatham kent

Peter | send4peter1@ymail.com
bob I haven't spoken to david dunn but I did recieive an E-Mail from him but his return address is not any good.
your best bet is contact via the goldings site that's where I left a message for him
Best wishes

16 August 2008 - kent

bobby mac | coopermccavalier@hotmail.com
hi peter did you say it was nice to hear from david dunn i noticed on the 13th of june you got in touch with him was it via skype? if so was it one of these numbers because l use skype and l found two, one is called dunndavid and the other is called daviddunn2000 so l was wondering which one to call if you could help me l would like to hear from him many thanks peter hope to hear from you soon bob mac
14 August 2008 - bahamas

Weight Watchers
Dear Mr Stallion (Thats a laugh!!remember him in Somerset?)It looks like you have finished with eating slimcea bread,and theres now way that balloon for nimble bread would have got off the ground with you in it If you carry on as you are you will end up weighing more than your digger!When you turned side on in your garden I thought the Sun had gone behind a cloud you look like the Terry Wogan of Kidsgrove!If we put you on a sponsored slim for the Goldings Reunion Funds to get you back down to 18 stone,we would have enough money to hold the reunion in Dymchurch for a week!Thats why you have altered your garden gate to double gates,so you can get into the house!and you have to get through sideways and breath in....now who else can I insult....Peter springs to mind!See ya Billy Ch---------?
10 August 2008

the stallion
Hi Dave and Mal my sister has come over from Canada to see us can you ask Peter if he has David Dunn's phone number. Dave I did'nt know it was you when you took your sun glasses off, you've put weight on. See you soon Tubby, I mean Dave! Best wish's Paul and famly.
10 August 2008 - norfolk

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