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angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
dave the photo of the art centre on the
grass is back to front, you dow dow
5 September 2008 - hideingbehindthesetea

Kevin Keegan
I think most of you knw that "Pop" is a lifetime supporter of Newcastle,well it's just been anounced that they are interviewing the Iceland manager to fill the post! and if he turns them down they are going to approach the "Asda" manager!!
5 September 2008 - Morrisons

Many happy returns for the day Alf Cummings (now Nerman)1960-64.He now has his "bus pass" and may visit you in the next few days!!
5 September 2008 - I Will join you Alf on March the 16th

Mr Wrangles
O deary me! not only is he content to nick the sandwich's at half time at the presentation of the Goldings football cup! but now we have to address him as "Percy Thrower the Goldings Grower" Well done Alan...have a banana out of the greenhouse?
3 September 2008 - Mr Vigus farm

Alan Dearman 1955-59 | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Hi Dave,
Just been looking at the article regarding the Art centre which was built in the early 60s just after my time at Goldings. looking at the photo's, I guess this building was errected behind the school block, in fact behind what in my days was the Science clasroom and where the building is standing there were about 6 small allotments which was started by Tech White, the science teacher at the time. I have fond memories of the allotments because Tech White tought me a lot about gardening and used me as an example to other boys on how it should be done.
It was many years before I was lucky enough to have a house with a garden and I put my knowledge learned at Goldings into several Gardening projects over the following years and it was only a few weeks ago that I won the Best kept garden competion for the second time in Three years which is organised by the Housing Association who I rent my flat from. Yet just another success story related to "Goldings"
2 September 2008 - Nottingham

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