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Can I congratulate you, Dave, on the diplomatic, balanced answer you gave Night Owl on the Hertford Forum site. In any organisation there will be some horror stories but from what is read on your site, the majority of experiences were very positive.
A few weeks ago, you had as the lead story, a report that indicated that the Home Office were interested in 1967 of funding Barnardos to run Goldings as an Approved School. The number of places at WBTS in the 60's funded through Authorities Social Depts had been increasing. DBH were already running, at least one Approved School - Druids Heath near Walsall. Somewhere I read that David Wheatley said that his father had said that Goldings was run like a Borstal when he took over in 1945!!. One of the staff in 1967, said the closure broke up a very good staff team who worked well together with young people. If Goldings had have become an Approved School, it would have kept the staff team together, attracted the sort of house parents that Mr Wheatley said were needed to work with the sort of young people who were coming to Goldings. It would have enabled the existing pupils at the time of closure to have seen their time out, moving to one or two houses, until they had reached a leaving age, and over the years hundreds of others would have benefitted from life and work at Goldings. Approved Schools were around until the late 70's early 80's and many became Community Homes and a very small number are still open !!
29 August 2008

Alan Dearman 1955-59 | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Hi Dave, Just to let you know that I have just booked into the White Horse Hotel for the reunion. Dave Barlow will be joining us also if he does not recieve his hospital appointment. As I told you during our recent telephone conversation, he is waiting for a hip operation but has not yet recieved a date. He will not know until he returns from holiday in Mid September.
Look forward to seeing everyone on the 4th October
27 August 2008 - Nottingham

Alan Dearman 1955-59 | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Dave, you have just been "framed", go for it.
23 August 2008 - Nottingham

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
he also told me to sing,
millie millie moorla
23 August 2008

J.Arthur Rank
I don't know if any of you are aware, but when Mal was a young girl just left school she wanted to go into films, and she did a test at M.G.M. Studio's but they said her boobs were too small and she was terribly upset until she bumped into her friend from the past down Walsall Market, and told her her sad moment of being turned down! To this her friend said "Go and see Dr Walter Smith of Harley Street he's helped many people with physical problems similar to yours. She thanked her and off she went with all Dave's savings to Harley Sreet. The doctor said "come on in, what's your problem my dear" to which she told him her wish to get into films but turned down due to small breast's. Oh dear don't worry we will soon put that right? at this she handed all of Dave's savings over? three ten bob notes, still crispy!
Now what I want you to do every day is hold your breast's and say "Scooby Dooby give me large Boobies!! This she did for many weeks, and sure enough she ended up looking like Marilyn Monroe as opposed to Marilyn Blower!! Last year at the re-union she forgot to do her daily ritual, so in a panic she said I'll have to do it here just in case it starts to reverse! So just outside Hertford North Station she closed her eyes and started to chant her request "Scooby Dooby give me big Boobies" relieved at that Pete Drummond tapped her on the shoulder and said "Did you go to Dr Walter Smith of Harley Street?? "Did you as well Pete?? Yes! "Hickory Dickery Dock???
23 August 2008 - Land of make beleive

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