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Viewing messages 4216 to 4220.
Tony if you look at the black and white picture you can clearly see the door way to the right being built,the colour picture was taken from by the old print shop with the carps shop on your left looking down the hill and no doorway! but between the school block and the art centre is just visable the new school block,built in 1965 which occupied the site of the playpen or am I wrong!!
6 September 2008

Dave the black and white photo is the right way round, with the school to the right of it.
Looking at the School and art centre from the play ground, where the boys played football.
so if you turn the art centre colour photo over,you will see the School block to the right in the picture
and I won't rest till its corrected!!
6 September 2008 - london

You plonker fairy! unless they moved the Gym and Stable Block thats the correct way as it is!What you on?
6 September 2008 - Mandella House

Jon received your package this morning,I will copy it and send it back.Very interesting,but they must have relaxed the rules slightly because I think? we were allowed to "lie in till 6-45!" unlike 1936! Interesting about selling the Chapel Organ for £10-10s...I wonder what happened to it? Did you see the running cost's for Goldings in 1936?
£20'000-00.Many thanks Jon and do hope to meet you at our re-union,Dave.
6 September 2008 - Engrossed

Alan received your message to your local radio,If I can I would like to use similar wording for my local paper and radio station "Smooth Radio"
Cheers Alan....regards Dave.
6 September 2008 - Visited by Helen and Brian Perrier

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