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brian | b.hind@at thebank.com
Yes Dave and she told me you wasn't even there ?
28 February 2008 - polomo beach

This morning Mal said the earth moved for her!!!
27 February 2008 - The Epicentre

Question of Sport
1 Which present Hartlepool United midfielder was playing for England less than 4 years ago?
2 Who said in June of one year
"I will never return to play in England, even if they gave me all the money in the world". Six months later he said "I can't wait to get back, every night I go to bed dreaming of Wembley?"
27 February 2008

brian | b.perrier@ntlworld.com
Hi neville
how the devil are you i remember you were my house captain we had fun even though that idiot brian wilson was our house master his wife was nice though you must call me so we can chat
27 February 2008 - stevenage

Dave Blower Somerset No 22
Hello Neville,so nice to hear from you after forty odd years.I'm quite sure you will be remembered for your outstanding stint as drum major,as most of us 60's lads remember you,and comment when we meet at the re-unions
"Do you remember Neville as our drum major" So your fame at Goldings still follows you!I hope you are well and getting older like the rest of us?? are. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since we last ate "Goldings Pongo" If you look on our new page on Lockernhead, is that you leading the cadets on the parade ground "Nobby Clarke" and Daniel Coffey alongside?
So nice to hear from you,Alf rang me last week also..see ya Dave.
26 February 2008 - Marching behind you to Sunday to Church

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