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Viewing messages 4571 to 4575.
Clifford Steele
To all ex-Goldings boys and their families wherever they happen to be. Have a really good Christmastime and I wish you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.


Pop Steele
12 December 2007

John Sansom(Sam) | john.sansom@tesco.net
Hi Dave
Many thanks for the Goldonians and the Christmas card, I have started reading them and it makes you realize what a great allround sportsman George Vallance was in his day, I was lucky(or unlucky!!)to be there with George and it was always his back I saw when we were running!!. He was School Captain, C.S.Major Army Cadets and a great person. and also" Somerset" needless to say Dave, as we were. My verry best wishes to you and your family Dave. and to everyone ex Goldings, A good Christmas and a healthy New Year
11 December 2007 - Hertford

Two men are sitting in a pub,when one of them starts to hurl insults at the other."I've slept with your mother"
The bar goes instantly quiet as the regulars listen into the expected crisis which must surely unfold!
"Hey I'm telling you I have slept with your mother"
His friend turns away embarrassed,and drinks the remainder of his pint,when again he hears once more "I've told you I have slept with your mother.
"Go home Dad,you're drunk"
11 December 2007 - in my digger at Cannock

captain bligh
wakeden goes into bar with a parrot on his shoulder and a steering wheel attached to his trousers.
the barman says "did you know youve got a steering wheel on the front of your trousers"
"yea i know its driving me nuts"
11 December 2007 - tescos

Clive Gillingham | c.gillingham1@btinternet.com
Hello Dave,
Have to admit it does look very much like the School badge, both staff and the pupil.
If it is correct then I want one.
Hello Alan and Angel, do as you are told.Off to Tenerife for three weeks at the end of the month will miss all the chaff between you lads.
Merry Christmas and a good New Year to all W.B.T.S old boys and Staff.
Send me my tie Dave for Christmas.
11 December 2007 - Hertford Heath

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