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For anybody who needs to know the details of John Baggeridge funeral arrangements are as follows.
1'o'clock Friday the 21st at,
St Pauls Church Bedford (it's in the middle of Bedford)
It will be a Regimental Funeral (by his former regiment)
There will be later a get together at,
The Horse and Groom,
Clapham Nr Bedford.
Donations to British Lung Foundation,and Barnardo's.
All former friends from Barnardo's and
Goldings are very welcome.
Loois (his wife)
17 December 2007

John Horn | johnmark.horn@btinternet.com
Christmas Carol
At this time of the year it always brings back memories of the three Christmas I spent at Goldings 1942,43,and 44.About half of the two hundred plus of the boys would go on two weeks leave either to relatives or foster parents,those that were left would play in organised knock out competions billiards,chess,draughts,table tennis,etc,with prizes for the winners and runners up.
Some one from Waterford would come and play the piano for us in the evening and we have a good old singalong.
One of my lasting memories was of the Govenor Rev.MacDonald reading Dickens Christmas Carol from start to finish in Chapel instead of his usual sermon.he was a very good narrator and seemed to bring the characters to life.
We were allowed more afternoons out and there was always a fair on Hertford Heath,so although there was a war on we did enjoy our Christmas at Goldings.
16 December 2007 - Manchester

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Nice one Peter.
John Baggeridge passed on the morning of the 14th. He went to Goldings in 1947,2 years before I was born, and left Goldings when I was only 1 yr old,
so I hope he had a good Christmas last year.
16 December 2007 - london

peter | send4peter@talktalk.net
May all goldings old boys have a happy
christmas and a very happy new year
Ann and peter
16 December 2007 - kent

Once more it is with deepest regret that another Goldings boy has left us for that Goldings in the sky.
John Baggeridge passed away this morning 14th December. Joined Goldings in 1947, left 1950, a former Cairns boy.
Our deepest sympathy goes out to his family and friends. Details of the funeral will be given soon by his family.
14 December 2007 - A sad day

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