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Check out the front page Clive, I've just this second (22-30pm.)come across this photo, Goldings 1950 is it or isn't it? or am I seeing something I want to see not what is.
10 December 2007

can we avoid politics and religion please
10 December 2007 - stevenage

Clive Gillingham | c.gillingham1@btinternet .com
Hi Dave, maybe the staff had a tie with
our school badge, cannot remember
one for the boys, not in my time at least 55 to 57
10 December 2007 - Hertford Heath

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Well Alan it's because Mugabe makes Sadham Hussain look like a Saint,
and Bush and Co. don't do anything about it.
10 December 2007

Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Hi Angell,

I have no idea. What makes you think Mugabe has no oil?
9 December 2007 - Nottingham

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