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Mark Hughes
Here's one for "Pop"
What the difference between a Newcastle Manager and a pregnant woman
"The woman gets 9 months to produce"
The rumour in the Midlands is that there next choice is Richard Money...the Walsall Manager,with Hain to run the financial side!!
14 January 2008 - Malcolm Macdonalds patio

Tony Angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Dave I remember you well, I can still see your face in my mind right now.
It was beccause of Tordoff I left the Bootmakers and went into Painting.
Maybe you remember me
Angell,Somerset House 62-64.
13 January 2008 - london

Front page clue
Well David I don't like to give to many clues it might give the game away, but here's a hint it wasn't Tommy Hill because he was outside the headmasters study
12 January 2008

david fall | zeebee@dotherington.com
can you give us a clue as to the front page quiz dave
12 January 2008

Message from David Fall
Hi David

Thanks for your photos received yesterday.
Fairly sure I remember you now I see the picture - wasn't that John
Allen alongside.

Football team pic was in the one and only Goldonian I had, now passed on to Frank Cooke - I certainly don't remember him.

On his website the picture of the ballboy waking up the line judge
was captioned Frank Workman . . . I don't remember that name either and suggested to him it was rather a small Scots guy called Robert (Robbie) Thornton . . . I'm 99% convinced on that because he was also in Cairns house.

Hill brothers were a right bunch - in the nicest possible way!
Sorry to hear about George.

I suppose the blokes I knocked around with the most would have been Lefty Wright, Billy Hicks, Derek Hammond and Keith McSweeney. Ray Hillier was probably the outstanding footballer of the bunch but didn't really know him that well.

So sorry to hear about Jim James' demise . . . he was a printing
instructor who saved my neck on more than one occasion. Of all the masters (printing) it was Frank Stevenson who really saved my bacon after an enormous fallout with Tordoff who was running the Verney - what a horrible man he was!
Suppose I can say that now.

Heard through the grapevine that Richard Rowles and Victor Chan have died. Both real talents in their own right.

Do you remember the inmate called someone Jordan who painted the table tennis room with fantastic murals? Mr Shepherd was also very arty farty - also a really decent bloke - wasn't he an old boy as well?

OK, cheers for now
Kind regards to all who might remember me

David Fall, Cairns, Spring 1962, from Hertfordshire, Printer.
11 January 2008 - South Africa

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