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Saint Nic
Ho Ho Ho alan was going on his Winter holiday,
no more worries for a week or two.
Got down to Dover
And found it all over
So on his way back after a little moan
Decided to pop into his former home
He unpacked his ski's on the parade ground
Searching around you'll never beleive what he found
Beneath the leaves and recent frost
He found once more the remains of the slide which we thought was lost?
So until a change of weather,or a possible thaw
He remains on the slide until once more
Old Embo with his bucket and salt
Brings his fun once more to a halt?
And the moral to our short pun?
It was in these grounds that we discovered Fun.
22 December 2007 - slipping and sliding

Alan | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com | Nottingham, NOT AUSTRIA
HO HO HO, AUSTRIA IS NO GO. Having driven to Dover last night I then had to drive back arriving home at 2.30am this morning as a victim of the travelscope holiday company crash. I now have to try and enjoy Christmas in the best way I can. Again, I wish you all a very merry christmas.
22 December 2007

walsall dave
sanchez is dead long live laurie ha ha ha ha ha lol lol lol lol lol
john collins will riegn
21 December 2007 - sw6

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Heres wishing all the old boys, and the one who wears a grass skirt, oh I shouldn't have said that as, what he does in his spare time is, well you know.
That reminds me, Pinhead told him that he will end up one of Londons great unwashed, well he was wrong as he scrubs up well at the reunions.
My Anne is coming home tomorrow, after being in hospital for two weeks. she is now well, and if we have half the Christmas Woody has, that'll be good enough for me.
All the best have a good one.

21 December 2007

An honest politician,a generous lawyer,and Santa Claus were in a lift in a posh hotel when they noticed a £20 note on the floor,which one picked it up?
Santa Claus??the other two don't exist!
21 December 2007 - kidsgrove

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