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Viewing messages 4581 to 4585.
angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Alan,what makes me think Mugabe has no oil?
9 December 2007

Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com

I Went to an Auction tonight and purchased a Teddy Bear named Mohammed for £10.00 them sold it for £20.00 and made a profit
6 December 2007 - Nottingham

My dear friend Peter,as for buying a dustbin,no need just use the same dustbin out of Mr Nutter's shop that he put all your projects in?
I have suggested to Ann that she gets you a cheap dictionary for christmas??
ARTICAL, it's no wonder Mr Sheppard was always throwing the "black board rubber"at you.I have bought you a bib for christmas to stop you spilling tea down your jumpers.Rumour has it that you have moved to a fourth floor flat,and the lift only goes to the third floor so you don't have to give money to the carol singers? Ann phoned me to-day to tell me...what we going to do with you captain Bligh???
5 December 2007 - onalooloo

Peter | send4peter@talktalk.net
Mr Blower after your front page artical I have been forced into sticking ANN's head down the toilet then changed all the passwords on my computer then I'm going to buy a dustbin and stick you in it THIS IS WAR
5 December 2007 - kent

Peter | send4peter@talktalk.net
Because of the problems of the teddy bear called mohammed in the sudan sooty has cancelled his tour of jamaca
4 December 2007 - kent

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