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Kent crimewatch team
Did you hear about Peter Drummond,they broke into to his works Tesco's Wednesday,and he witnessed it.The Police asked him to re-call the event in an attempt to aprehend the bounder.
"Well Mr Drummond tell us what happened" the detective enquired.
"This van pulled up,and out jumped an elephant! smashed the window and sucked up all the money with his trunk? At this the detective was somewhat puzzled."Now look Peter are you sure because Tommy Hill reckons you have a few tots of rum in the day, an Elephant! "Yes on Dave Blowers life,it was an Elephant" The detective decides to follow this line of enquiry.
"Can you tell me Peter was it African or Indian,one's got bigger ears than the other?" "Couldn't tell at the time it was wearing a mask."
6 July 2007 - Whipsnade Zoo

Peace and quiet at last
Took the wife out last night...it only took one punch!!
6 July 2007 - In the doghouse

Many thanks John just keeping you all on your toes ,(spot the deliberate mistake)only joking.
My wife has just had 1st written warning, anymore mistakes and it's instant dismissal.
Pleased you have enjoyed the page.
Did you check out the Wish you were here here and here page, go to bottom of the front page under Bob and his 2 sausages
5 July 2007 - Dunces corner

John Sansom(Sam) | john.sansom@tesco.net
Enjoyed reading your list of staff, only one thing, it should be Sid Whitbread, not Stan.
5 July 2007 - Hertford

Message for any New Lodge Boys | chrislen@talktalk.net
If any New Lodge boys would like to find out how they can get a C/D of the Photo's taken at the Reunion 20 of May 2007 contact Len Harpin
Contact on the contacts page
4 July 2007

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