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Viewing messages 4761 to 4765.
oo my lovley Hazel
23 July 2007 - changing rooms at the pool

Jenny every body knew it was short for Jenerous

The Bengeo Bombshell
Chufinorra I still carry the scars?? That girl frightened me more than John Mason,I know her middle name "Was open all Hours" and put Angell in sick bay!!
Her first name?
B be at the gates
A after lights out
R remember to be nice to me
B bring your fags,no roll ups
A actions speak louder than words
R remember I'm a lady
A always willing to accomodate a Goldings boy
23 July 2007 - Getting some more fags from Waterford Arms

embo | embo.lunatic@ntlworld.com
a message to all of you lunatic fringe members. can anyone remember ginger tenfags Christian name? the first one to post the correct answer on this website will receive a ten pound gift voucher towards there next anne summers purchase embo
23 July 2007

Dave Blower
Bob Whibley 1943-46 Cairns Bootmaker.
Bob we all wish you all the best with your major operation this coming Wednesday...see you at the re-union
Goldings Lads.
23 July 2007 - Some were on dry land

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