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Viewing messages 4771 to 4775.
ANGELL | noer battey@pinheadsoffice.co.uk
Hi all you young and old boys, we nearly have 1000 message's on our guest book in two half years.Chuffinora I only hung two socks on the line, when there was a terrential downpour, but luckly it stopped after one minute.As I was just about to plonk my self down on the deck chair, the dog next door started barking and it went on for over an hour,obviously John and Johnathan my new neighbours were out.I lent over the fence and saw the dog had no water in its bowl, I then gave it some petrol from my lawnmower,it then stopped barking but started running around at 70 miles an hr, then 20 minutes later he slowed down and dropped to the floor.My girl friend then said "Is he o.k" "Yes I said there's no problem he's just run out of petrol.
15 July 2007 - rovhththn

peter | deeprosedrummond@btinternet.com
Hi Paul Just a quick note to wish you a happy birthday see you at the reunion

14 July 2007 - kent

peter | deeprosedrummond@btinternet.com
All us guys have reach our sixtys
Blower on the other hand is neary sixty and looks it never mind we will look after you in your dotage and we'll send Mel on a nice holiday somewhere warm as a thank you for the help with the reunions in past years.
13 July 2007 - kent

Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Hi Brian,

Just got home from work in time to receive your birthday card which was delivered by Pigeon Post. The only problem is the cheque is missing. I bet chuffinora has nicked it to buy more fags!!
But the card was OK.
13 July 2007 - Nottingham

brian | b.perrier@ntlworld.com
does that mean due to the strike you never got my card never mind happy birthday .I hope they dont nick the score i stuck in it
13 July 2007 - stevenage

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