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Postman Pat
Chuffinora Alan Dearman,and tomorrow Paul Walkedens birthday's.Both of you report tommorrow after cleaning to collect your presents off Mr Wheatley,follow him down to the dining hall were we will like all the other boy's sing you "Happy Birthday"??and cut your birthday cake made by sniffing Jack Cooper!!

Fact..If you add Alans,Paul's,Brian Perrier,and that old time music hall joker Peter Drummond's ages together it take's you back to the day's of the Spanish Armada"!!
One of them was a S.N.O.B.and the other went on Goldings away days without permission.
13 July 2007 - Waiting with the Ronuk!!

Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Well, Despite spending a little over 3 years in that wonderful place called Goldings, being fed on dry ginners, Stork margarine, bread plonk, pongy & Haddock, cold Grogg, Cocoa, Ovaltine(when in the sick bay),Polishing the dorm floors, being placed on jankers scrubbing the stone passage, working in the kitchen, dinning room duties, receiving Six of the best from pin head,in addition to attending School, Church,learning a trade and taking all that good advice from from people like: Pin Head, Tordoff, Bob Newton, Skip Culver, Pop Steel, David Appleyard and many more.......I have Survived. I am 65 today and the bloody Postman is on strike!!!!!!!
13 July 2007 - Nottingham

Columba livia:
mother and baby pigeon
But baby pigeon said, "I can't make it; I'll get too tired." His mother said, "Don't worry; I'll tie a piece of string to one of your legs and the other end to mine."
The baby started to cry.
"What's wrong?" said the mother.
"I don't want to be pigeon towed!"

Sitting on a branch overlooking the parking lot, the pigeons
watched as a Mercedes pulled in below them. "What do you think?" one bird said to the other.
"Should we put a deposit on that car?"
12 July 2007 - Pigeon Street

ANGELL | tonythepainter1@aol.com
chuffinora, the sites gone dead whats wrong with pigeons?
all I said was what happened in Rotherham.
12 July 2007 - hk hk

ANGELL | tonythepainter@aol.com
A major flood hit on Monday evening.Epicentre: Sheffield, England.
News of the disaster was swiftly carried abroad by the town's 35,000 racing pigeons, as victims were seen wandering around aimlessly muttering "chuffinnorah". The flood decimated the town, causing £30 worth of damage. Several priceless collections of mementos from the Balearic Isles and the Spanish Costa's were damaged beyond repair. Three areas of historical burnt out cars were disturbed. Many locals were woken well before their Giro arrived. Radio station Sheff FM reported that hundreds of residents were confused and bewildered, still trying to come to terms with the fact that something interesting had happened in Winn Gardens. One resident, 15 year old mother of 3, Tracy Braithwaite said: "It was such a shock, my little Chardonnay-Madonna came running into my bedroom crying. The twins, Tyler-Morgan and Megan-Storm slept through it all. I was still shaking when I was watching Jeremy Kyle the next morning". Locals were determined not to be bowed, as looting, muggings and car crime carried on as normal. So far, whilst the British Red Cross has managed to ship 4000 crates of Sunny Delight to the area to relieve the suffering of stricken locals, rescue workers searching through the rubble have found large quantities of personal belongings including, benefit books, jewellery from Elizabeth Duke at Argos, and bone china from Pound-stretcher. Can You Help? Please respond generously to our appeal for food and clothing for the victims of this disaster. Clothing is needed most of all, especially: Fila or Burberry baseball caps, Kappa tracksuit tops (his or hers), Shell suits (female), White sports socks, Rockfort boots or any other product sold in Primark Microwave meals, tinned baked beans, ice-cream and cans of Colt 45 or Special Brew are ideal. Please do not give anything that requires peeling. Remember: 22p buys a biro for filling in compensation claims £2 buys chips, crisps and a blue fizzy drink for a family of 9 £5 will pay for a packet of B&H and a lighter to calm a child's nerves Urgently required: Tinned whippet food. Bones for Jack Russell’s Please do not send tents for shelter as this may to cause many to leave earlier than usual for their summer breaks in Skegness and Mablethorpe and these towns are already suffering under the strain of a mass influx of Maltby residents"Chufinnora, its bin a reight carry-on."
8 July 2007 - Rotherham Floods

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