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Viewing messages 4186 to 4190.
Message received today from Jo Griffiths (Mr Sheppard,s daughter)who will be attending our re-union along with Mr Sheppards personal photo album. Mr Sheppard was Headmaster of the School Block at Goldings,a former Goldings Boy himself,also taught Art,and was a very fine Artist.For more information of him look on our Personality page,then click onto Goldings Staff Page...Dave.
28 September 2008

Bob Robertson | bobr@norex.com.au
What a terrible chip our Robert Smith carries I was at Barkingside 1949-1951 in Trefoil house we had wonderful house parents like many others my time at Goldings was great now fast approaching 70 I owe a lot to Dr Barnardos please Robert dont vent your anger on this web site it is our link to our past a past most of us can be proud of sorry I will not make the Reunion will have to try for 2009 50 yrs after I left Goldings keep up the good work
27 September 2008 - Sunny Gold Coast Australia

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Hi Dave Mal,
and uncle tom cobley and all, this message is for John who is looking for David Brown.
John go to tracesmart with is an Electoral roll data base for people who are on the role.
You might find many David Browns.
but then you can refine your search down to an age group and location, but then you will have to pay 3 or 4 pounds to see their details, and their phone no.s if its on the data base. If you dont get their phone number you will get an address to which you can write to
good luck
Tony hik
25 September 2008

Dixon of Dock Green
Hello,Hello,whats going on here then.Important message has been passed to me at the station from Hertford Police,our undercover agent at the White Horse has confirmed that the stallion is in town on friday week so takings in the town will be certainly "Hit" until Sunday evening.This year his disguise is a grey beard,pot belly(but we think thats real)long hair, and speaks with a Norfolk accent! You have been warned,extra patrols will be on but we all know he's slippery....and don't fall for that one "you owe me a pint" he learnt that off Drummond.
25 September 2008 - hertford fraud squad??

the stallion
Dear Dave and Mal, looking foward to seeing you friday I didn't like dickies because I couldn't play with girls at the dances on a friday night but I made up for it when I was on the fairs, keep up the good work Dave Mal keeping us all together. D.C.I. Walkeden Staffordshire Police still working.
25 September 2008 - norfolk

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