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John Horn. | johnmark,horn@btinternet.com
Hi Robert.
Sorry to hear your time in Barnado's was mostly unpleasant and you were mistreated at such a early age.
You know boys can be cruel as well as the staff.I was lucky to be fourteen when I entered goldings so I had to have a couple of fights to prove I was not going to be bullied by any other boys.
So I can say I had many friends and got on well with other boy's and staff, of course there were times when things happened that was not to my liking life is like that, sad times when I longed to be home with my family.
I did not see your name down to attend the re-union, if you came and met some off us old boy's I'm sure you would change your mind about the website being past its sell by date.
I had a friend at Golding's who came from Cardiff, David Brown whose Gran lived in Roath Park. I spent three weeks holiday with the family in August 1944. I never heard from him again when he left Golding's after he had learnt a trade he went home to Cardiff.
I will try to find some news of him one way or another if any old boy can help me to find a way I would be most grateful.
John Horn (aberdeen 1942-45
24 September 2008 - Manchester

angell | tonythepainter1@aol.com
Hi Robert,
I understand your greivances with Barnardos. I myself was taken to Barkingside by my stepsister at the age of 4 years, as I entered the cottage she and the staff dissapeared. There was 5 or 6 boys standing in a line to greet the new boy! my greeting... was a good kicking. Then I was moved from here to there, until I ended up in a boys home in Essex, were the boss of the home was a Paedophile. He waited 3 years before he turned his attention to me, I was lucky as it only lasted about 45 sec.
Last Saturday I went back to that home for there reunion to see the boys.
As I said in an email to one old boy that wouldn't come, it's not about all that *@~#, its about the survivors of all that.
Last week on the 10 'o' clock news the head of Barnardos was speaking under the banner of protecting children from paedophile,s , I saw red and phoned them straight away and left a message, saying that I was furious hearing what I had just heard, but in the morning I know the man who abused me did not get the job because they knew he was a paedophile, he got the job because they didnt know ?
And the reason I got a kicking was the staff and my sister were probably doing paper work, and the boys were just saying to me that they were really happy about being orphans too just like me and you.
I am actually very fond of my childhood,
Its not the one I wanted but it's the only one you get and I would not trade it for anything
24 September 2008

Len Harpin | chrislen@talktalk.net
Yes Dave you where right to say what you did, sorry Robert but the best place is Barnardo's not this web site .If the Reunion's that Dave & Brian do and not forgetting there family's we would all be forgotten
24 September 2008 - Colnbrook Slough

Dave Blower
It appears Robert that you may not have been to Goldings.
While I appreciate that is your opinion, and I welcome your input, many but not all were very happy with there lot at Goldings hence the reason for our re-unions, and also to meet former Staff.
Whilst I will never condone the treatment it appears you suffered I would appreciate if you could direct it to the correct organisation Barnardo's, I think you may find the full address on our "past the sell by date" site somewhere or failing that forward it to Barnardo's Web-Site or if you like I can copy it for you and hand over to them as they also attend our re-union. I wish you health and happiness in your retirment and take on board your opinion as this site is not censored! Dave.
23 September 2008

robert smith | rsccs@tesco.net
It is about time to forget everything about goldings, I see the Goldings web site is well past its sell by date, there is no doubt we were all subjected to tremendous hardship, abuse,bulling,deprived of normal? family upbring. When I first entered D,B AS AN INNOCENCT CHILD and beaten by my parents,incidently well respected war medals ect, and all that, en-trusted to Dr Barnado,s for protection, within two days of being in care five years old I was beaten with a cane,this I considered nornmal in those days,... it was normal
23 September 2008 - Fire Officer Cardiff Fire Service retired

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