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John Sansom(Sam) | john.sansom@tesco.net
As you walked through the rear entrance door the boards you mentioned were on the wall opposite you at the bottom of the main straircase, when I did my "time" 46/49, they were very impressive and it was very nice to see ones name up there. Looking forward to seeing you and everybody on the day
23 September 2008 - Hertford

John, I didn't know that about the boards,as when I was there we had in the reception area,behind were the bugler "gave us instructions for the day" was the honours boards gilt lettering which has also vanished along with the stained glass windows in the chapel.Perhaps in later years they may turn up on the other side of the water like they did for Watts Naval College which were in honour of the young man from Watts who went down with the Titanic! Lets hope one day the mystery will be revealed from powers that hold the clue's "or was that a blue moon I saw in the sky last night?" don't hold your breath?
23 September 2008 - Things that went missing?

Well spotted with the windows Tony,if you also look on the image of Mike Jarvis,top left hand corner you can just spot the pulpit that prayer was taken from ? or am I wrong?
23 September 2008 - Look through any window Hollies

Dave did you notice the windows in the photo of the new dining hall were very small, can't see much light getting in there. and if you look at the later photos you can see they have been changed, and made much bigger.
22 September 2008 - LONDON

john.horn | johnmark.horn@btinternet.com
Great to see again the inside of the dining hall on the opening page but could someone tell me what happened to the wooden panels that surrounded the walls with names of the schools football and cricket teams on through the years in gilt lettering which was there in the 40's when I was there.
22 September 2008 - Manchester

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