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dave blower | tesco @online.com
Due to further flood warnings The goverment has decided to evacuate all good looking people to higher ground.
I'm just e-mailing you to say goodbye
and I hope you can SWIM.
21 January 2008 - down south

Peter Drummond
I was down the town yesterday,when this bloke stopped me and asked "Is there a B&Q in Walsall"
I said to him "I don't know,I'm not very good at spelling"
20 January 2008 - Tesco's

Bernard Mathews
A duck is standing at the side of the road waiting to cross.A chicken walks over and says "Don't bother mate.....you'll never hear the end of it"
17 January 2008

Clifford Steele
Must come to the defence of my beloved Newcastle United. I was surprised Sam Allardyce lasted as long as he did. How can someone from Dave Blower's part of the country who played for Tommy Hill's team Sunderland (our sworn enemies, succeed at Newcastle. There is more chance of certain Goldings boys buying you a drink!!
I have great faith in the owner Mike Ashley, he has the magic ingredient - loads of money. Not quite as much as the Russian at Chelsea but enough. So watch this space and prepare to be amazed. Well at my age I can but dream.

15 January 2008

Tommy Hill
Did you hear about the owner of Newcastle Ashley,helped an old lady across the road this morning.When he'd got her across safely he said to her "can you manage my girl" She said "I don't want the job,give it to Pop Steele??
14 January 2008 - Apple pie bed in Cairns

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