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Alan Dearman | alan.dearman@ntlworld.com
Come on Dave, Whats all this about regarding fires in oil drums and Walsall Football Club, we all want to know
19 February 2008 - Nottingham

Pete Drummond
Had three valentine's cards today!One must have got lost...cause I sent four!!
14 February 2008 - Waiting for the next post

Dear David,

Collected the trophies from Gavin last night.
Quite magnificent!
Hope the winning captain has saved the energy to lift it!

Will you write a short piece about Goldings for the match programme. this is always a simple affair so limit it to about 300 words, please, and e-mail it to me by Friday week,22 Feb.
13 February 2008 - LETCHWORTH

Just got back yesterday from visiting Mrs Newton,she's fine and doing well with her other artificial hip that she had done a few months ago.She gave me about 50 Goldonians given to Bob by a former printer,1929-67,but also there is a special booklet on the school from 1924,it appears that the Carps out grew the first shop in the stable block so they built the one most of us remember shortly afterwards.Also a booklet on Lochernead,with Bobby Mac,and Tommy Hill at the camp (was an old railway station and grounds)that was purchased by Herts Scout,loaned free to Goldings due to Bob Newton,Ron Stackwood,and Trevor Powell's association with the Scouts,dated 1964.We will put it on the site soon Dave.

P.S.Bob we will E-Mail them to you first for you to O.K. pictures of you before we put them on the site!
12 February 2008 - Over the moon with this lot

John Baggeridge
There will be if anyone would like to attend, an Internment Service for John at 12'o'clock 1st March at the Garden of Rememberence Kempston,Bedford.All old boys are welcome Goldings 1947-50.
Lois (his wife)
12 February 2008 - Sadly missed by his wife

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